Tweets 2 ~electric boogaloo~

In the previous analysis of my live tweets, I concluded that I would gain the traction when comparing the film to other forms of media in pop culture, such as other movies and TV shows, with a visual additive. In understanding this phenomenon, I began tweeting again with the mindset of trying to maintain posting in this format. As I anticipated, most of these tweets did result in interactions, mostly just in the form of likes.

The problem with my last analysis is that I was equating a tweet as having gained successful traction based on the number of likes and retweets. Since my last analysis, I have learned that numbers are not always the best way to constitute a tweet as having been successful. Stimulating replies and conversation are just as, if not a more important quality to bring forth in live tweeting so I have been actively trying to engage myself in more.

If I am getting lost in regards to what is happening in the film, I find that scrolling through the BCM325 hashtag helps provide a heightened understanding of what is going on which allows me to become involved in more conversations that discuss morals and connotations that the movie suggests. Considering the themes and moral concepts that the films we have been watching in class provide, some of the conversations and interactions that are being had on twitter are quite thought-provoking. Whether I am replying to someone else or composing initial tweets, my discussions on tend to be focused around topics involving moral and ethical issues, as well as environmental concerns that are brought to light in the film.

After my first analysis, I also realised that I had not been posting many links to accompany my tweets. I was steered away from doing this at first because my feed was constantly clogged with people linking ‘facts about the movie’ articles to the hashtag and I wanted to put forward something different in my posts, this is why I initially steered towards humour. Yet since I have been involving myself in more conversations, I understand the benefit of sharing links. Now if I have a noteworthy thought or see a thought-provoking post, I will often respond with a tweet that builds on or challenges the idea, accompanied by a supporting link.

Adding supporting media within my tweets as well as actively trying to engage myself with more thoughtful conversation has resulted in a higher level of satisfaction with my contribution to class discussion. I feel as if my interactions have become more sophisticated although I do still like to integrate elements of humour whilst tweeting; I do this because I like to yet also as it is within the culture of the platform.

Although I feel as if I have undergone an overall growth concerning my ability to live tweet, I am still very accustomed to falling victim to typos. I definitely need to pay more attention to editing my tweets before posting, as, in the medium of Twitter it is not the easiest to come back from.

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